Sheena Mason

headshot of mason sheena
    Visiting Fellow

Sheena Mason is a visiting fellow with the Mercatus Center’s Program on Pluralism and Civil Exchange. She is also an assistant professor in African American literature at SUNY Oneonta in Oneonta, New York and the founder and president of The Theory or Racelessness, that educates organizations and institutions on how and why traditionally accepted ways of fighting racism have fallen short of stopping racism and its causes and effects in its tracks. Dr. Mason is the author of Theory of Racelessness: A Case for Antirace(ism).

Fellowship focus: 

  • Develop and launch Raceless Antiracism, an e-learning community for the public consisting of a small number of courses aimed at helping participants transcend beyond the conventional understandings of racism, drawing evidence from literary studies, human rights history, philosophy, journalism, and other social sciences.